
Keynote Speakers

Jill Fisher
Jill Fisher
Professor of Social Medicine, UNC Center for Bioethics
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Kenneth Getz
Kenneth Getz
Executive Director, Professor
Tufts Center for the Study of Drug Development
Megan Albaugh
Megan Albaugh
Assistant General Counsel
ICE Global Consulting
Andrew Baczkowski
Andrew Baczkowski
Executive Director, Global Clinical Trial Operations
Lisa Ballance
Lisa Ballance
Associate Vice President for Research Strategy and Regulatory Affairs
Virginia Commonwealth University
Catherine Barnes
Catherine Barnes
Associate Director of Clinical Research Operations, UNC-CH School of Medicine Clinical Research Support Office
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Andrea Bastek
Andrea Bastek
VP of Innovation
Florence Healthcare
Robert Berube
Robert Berube
Co-Founder & Chairman
5th Port
Lisa Bjornestad
Lisa Bjornestad
Vice President Clinical Operations and Growth
DM Clinical Research
Patricia Black
Patricia Black
Manager, Business Advisory
MFR Consultants, Inc.
Leigh Boehmer
Leigh Boehmer
Chief Medical Officer
Association of Community Cancer Centers
Dave Borasky
Dave Borasky
Vice President, Review Solutions
Matt Bouchonville
Matt Bouchonville
Associate Professor
University of New Mexico School of Medicine
Tina Bowdish
Tina Bowdish
Senior Director, Clinical Research Administration
Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center
Phil Boyce
Phil Boyce
Boyce Life Sciences
Sanjur Brooks
Sanjur Brooks
Director, HRPP
Virginia Commonwealth University
Beth Brooks
Beth Brooks
Head, Patient Insights and Behavioral Sciences
Michelle Bryant
Michelle Bryant
Director, Regulatory Operations and Quality Assurance
Mercy Research
Lisa Butler
Lisa Butler
Associate Director, Reimbursement Clinical Trials
Quincy Byrdsong
Quincy Byrdsong
Vice Provost for Health Affairs
Lipscomb University
Arthur Caplan
Arthur Caplan
Director, Division of Medical Ethics
NYU Grossman School of Medicine
Karla Childers
Karla Childers
Head, Bioethics-based Science & Technology Policy
Johnson & Johnson
Jeff Cohen
Jeff Cohen
Associate Director Digital Health Operations
Trevor Cole
Trevor Cole
Linda Coleman
Linda Coleman
Director, Human Research Protection Program
Yale University
Wilfredo De Jesus-Monge
Wilfredo De Jesus-Monge
Chief of Clinical Research
Hospitales HIMA San Pablo
Tess Duke
Tess Duke
Director, Clinical and Academic Partnerships
Deep 6 AI
Jake Eberts
Jake Eberts
Communications director
1Day Sooner
Rafael Escandon
Rafael Escandon
DGBI Consulting, LLC
Gunnar Esiason
Gunnar Esiason
Principal, KOL Patients & Strategy Lead
Florence Healthcare
Cheryle Evans
Cheryle Evans
SVP, Global Clinical & Biometric Operations
Advanced Clinical
Istvan Fekete
Istvan Fekete
Director, Research Office Operations
Huron Consulting LLC
Jill Fisher
Jill Fisher
Professor of Social Medicine, UNC Center for Bioethics
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Kelly Fitzgerald
Kelly Fitzgerald
Executive IRB Chair & VP, IBC Affairs: ISO Top Mgmt
Sean Fitzgerald
Sean Fitzgerald
Manager of Biological Safety and Environmental Health and Safety
Hackensack Meridian Health
Conor Flynn
Conor Flynn
Director, Research Operations
SUNY Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences
David Forster
David Forster
Chief Compliance Officer
Jeanie Magdalena Gatewood
Jeanie Magdalena Gatewood
Gatewood Global
Kenneth Getz
Kenneth Getz
Executive Director, Professor
Tufts Center for the Study of Drug Development
Karen Giardiello
Karen Giardiello
Supervisory Regulatory Counsel
Office of Clinical Policy, Office of Clinical Policy & Programs, Food & Drug Administration
Courtney Granville
Courtney Granville
Global Head Science & Science Strategy
Collin Gruener
Collin Gruener
Operations Manager, WCG Site Network