Ethics, the Next Frontier: An Interactive, Star Trek-based Conversation About Research Ethics
Date & Time
Sunday, May 21, 2023, 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Location Name
Congress A (4th Fl)
In the "Star Trek: The Next Generation" episode "Ethics", Worf has a devastating injury that leaves him paralyzed, but a visiting physician who has been researching therapy for his injury might be able to cure him.
In this interactive session, attendees will watch this episode and participate in a discussion of the ethical issues raised; informed consent, research in desperate patients, justifying first-in-human use, and respect for different cultural norms are just a few!
Quincy Byrdsong - Vice Provost for Health Affairs - Lipscomb University
Lindsay McNair - Principal - Equipoise Consulting
Lindsay McNair - Principal - Equipoise Consulting

CIP CEU Credits