Since 2002, David Whaley has worked at the Louisiana State University Health Sciences Centesr-New Orleeans Stanley S. Scott Cancer Center in contrat negotiation and budget development for pharmaceutical studies, subcontract negotiations with hospital partners, and federal subcontracts for various grants in the Cancer Center. He currently manges all oncology clinical trials for the LSUHSC Clinical Trials Office where he is responsible for reviewing oncology clinical trial agreements and establishing Master Research Agreements and Master Clinical Trial Agreements. Furthermore, he works extensively with the NCI Community Oncology Ressearch Program. Prior to working at the Cancer Center, he worked for Physican Mangement Group, a healthcare mangement and consulting company, where he was invovled in manged care negotiation, physican practice start-up, practice mangement and implementation of compliance plans for hospitals and physican practices.
A 1990 graduate of the L.Q.C. Lamar School of Law at the University of Mississippi and alumni of Louisiana State Univeristy.