Pete Fronte, MBA is the founder and President/CEO of Altura. Mr. Fronte has over 30 years of leadership experience in the healthcare and life science sectors. He is an innovator in developing technology and services with a “human touch” to optimize health engagement via preventive health initiatives, clinical studies, and healthy aging programs.
Today, he continues to lead forward thinking initiatives that seek to improve the health of older adults, evolve value-based care, and expand access to clinical trials and health studies into primary care and underserved settings. Mr. Fronte has spearheaded the UpRight™ mobility and fall prevention program for older adults which supports health systems with a home based, interoperable approach to improve strength, balance, mobility, and the health of older adults.
Additionally, Mr. Fronte has led and continues to lead the development of various cloud and mobile based technologies such as Altura's HCP Studies™ research engagement platform, which is available in 26 countries. He has extensive experience building patient and healthcare professional centered ecosystems to accelerate study enrollment and expand access for diverse populations (e.g., minority, rural, primary care).
Mr. Fronte's vision with all developed or emerging programs and technology, such as Patient Connect™ and the UpRight™ patient and provider portals, is to support the evolution of the healthcare system to optimize value while maintaining patient centricity.
His experience includes collaborating with medical groups, integrated health systems, FQHCs, pharmacy and medical management companies, research centers, institutional review boards (IRBs) and life science companies to design and implement innovative study awareness and patient-centered projects that include HIPAA compliant utilization of various forms of electronic health data, as well as mobile applications and remote patient support and engagement.
Mr. Fronte is active in various healthcare and clinical research trade associations. He has served as an IRB member for over 20 years and is a national speaker and writer on subjects such as improving mobility in older adults, fall prevention, patient engagement in diverse populations, proactive outreach and care for high-acuity patients, patient and healthcare professional engagement programs for clinical studies and healthcare initiatives, and the integration of clinical studies within primary care and organized healthcare systems.