The State of Tech Enabled Clinical Trials Today (Florence Healthcare)
Date & Time
Monday, April 15, 2024, 11:30 AM - 12:00 PM

Catherine Gregor will explore the critical insights from the 2024 State of Tech-Enabled Clinical Trials report, while diving into the evolving landscape of Site Enablement, focusing on the need for genuine site-centric strategies in clinical trial management.

Gain valuable insights for research sites, sponsors, and CROs, with a focus on key trends, challenges, and opportunities in digitization and connectivity in the clinical trial sector.

Key takeaways:

  1. Understanding the gap between sponsor perceptions and site realities in digital adoption
  2. Strategies for effective Site Enablement and digital mandates
  3. Importance of interoperability and site autonomy
  4. Insights into technology adoption trends, integration challenges, and vendor selection
Catherine Catherine