Are We Really Doing This? AI in Clinical Trials
Date & Time
Tuesday, April 16, 2024, 2:30 PM - 4:00 PM

What do Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) have to do with the average clinical researcher?  Going beyond Real-World Evidence and patient identification, how might these tools streamline workflow for clinical trial researchers going forward?  How can AI help with research tasks like consent authoring or project management? Join this session to learn where AI is already having an impact and where Clinical Operations staff should expect to see AI begin (or more deeply) touch their work in the next year.   Whether you are totally new to AI or a savvy adopter, join this conversation to learn about trends and possibilities within the industry.

Learning objectives:

    • Understand terminology and basic concepts regarding AI and machine learning
    • Learn about the current impact of AI and drivers of recent AI growth

Explore the potential applications of AI in clinical research

Lilith Mist Walter Storm Diéynaba Diagne