Nathan Brown
Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP
Nathan Brown is a partner in the health care and life sciences practice at Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP. He focuses on food and drug law, particularly as it relates to medical devices, software, and diagnostics, as well as drugs and biologics. His practice covers regulatory, compliance and policy advice, ranging from early stage product development through postmarket enforcement. He has also played a leading role in developing and advising on many FDA-related legislative reforms, particularly relating to the device and diagnostics industries.
Prior to joining the firm, Mr. Brown served in several prominent roles with FDA. He served on detail as health policy advisor to the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee to cover FDA issues. He also served as special assistant to the chief counsel, counseling FDA leadership on high priority and cross-cutting matters, including emerging public health issues, high-profile enforcement cases and congressional investigations. Mr. Brown also served as senior counselor to the associate commissioner for regulatory affairs (ACRA) in the Office of Regulatory Affairs (ORA), where he advised the ACRA on inspections, compliance, enforcement and policy matters.