Panel Discussion: The 10 Best — and 10 Worst — Things to Do When FDA Staff Are on Site
Date & Time
Friday, November 18, 2022, 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Behavior during an inspection can run from supremely professional to downright comical. There are the stories of crack teams of QA/RA professionals who have every document and every answer an investigator needs and then there are stories of firms that foolishly refuse to let the investigator into the plant. This panel takes the best and worst of the industry’s performance and combines it into one great lesson for you and your staff. This year’s panelists have seen it all and are here to give you the skinny on how to pass your upcoming inspection with flying colors.
John Taylor - Greenleaf Health, Inc.
Cathy Burgess - Alston & Bird
Sarah Tanksley - Tanksley Consulting
Kalah Auchincloss - Greenleaf Health
Cathy Burgess - Alston & Bird
Sarah Tanksley - Tanksley Consulting
Kalah Auchincloss - Greenleaf Health

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Gallery 2-3