Sustainability Discussion: The Healthcare Industry’s Impact on the Global Climate Crisis, the Need for Change, and How Every Company Can Help

Wednesday, May 17, 2023, 10:55 AM - 11:55 AM

As climate change progresses, human health will suffer, but the healthcare industry itself is contributing to the global crisis – to a staggering degree. Healthcare contributes approximately 5% to global emissions. While the healthcare industry heals patients, it also advances global warming. How can we break this cycle? 

Session topic: Opportunities for conducting low carbon clinical trials

  • The Healthcare sector contributes with more than 5% significantly to the global carbon footprint. Clinical Trials are expected to account for annually up to 100 million tons of CO2.
  • Learn about joint progress of public and private sector partnerships within the UK’s Sustainable Healthcare Coalition to measure GHG emissions of clinical trials
  • The design and execution of clinical trials offers a wide variety of optimization opportunities. Hear from concrete examples which are enabling next to the environmental sustainability benefits also significant cost savings.