Quality Breakout: Creating a Quality Culture In Your Organization
Date & Time
Monday, October 17, 2022, 11:30 AM - 12:15 PM
Location Name
Melrose 4
Newly adopted ICH E8(R1) section 3.3.1 states that “creating a culture that values and rewards critical thinking and open, proactive dialogue about what is critical to quality for a particular study or development program, going beyond sole reliance on tools and checklists, is encouraged”.
This session will explore how organizations are working to establish quality cultures that elevate the importance of quality, foster critical thinking, and encourage behaviors that support desired quality outcomes.
Linda Sullivan - Senior Advisor, Metrics & Performance Management - WCG
Stephen Loosli - Executive Director - Boeson Research
Tarin McTague - Dir, R&D Quality Continuous Improvement - Seagen
Patricia Mendoza - Senior Quality Assurance Auditor - Medpace
Stephen Loosli - Executive Director - Boeson Research
Tarin McTague - Dir, R&D Quality Continuous Improvement - Seagen
Patricia Mendoza - Senior Quality Assurance Auditor - Medpace

Learning Objectives
- Describe the key components of a quality culture
- Identify ways to enable and support critical thinking
- Discuss why organizations need to have reward systems that support achieving desired quality outcomes
This Module is Eligible for
ACRP CE Points, CCB Credits, CLE Credits, CME Credits, CNE Credits
ACRP CE Points