Quality Breakout: How do YOU Define "Quality"?
Date & Time
Monday, October 17, 2022, 10:00 AM - 10:45 AM
Location Name
Melrose 4

During this “hands-on” mini-workshop, participants will discuss how they/their organizations define clinical research quality and learn how to use a metric development framework to define quality metrics that help answer important key quality performance questions identified by workshop participants. Come “roll up your sleeves” and work with your peers to identify metrics that your organization should be measuring to answer key quality questions.

Linda Sullivan
Learning Objectives
  • Describe clinical research quality 
  • Explain how to use a metric development framework to define “metrics that matter”
  • Identify three quality measures that answer key quality performance questions important to you/your organization
This Module is Eligible for
ACRP CE Points, CCB Credits, CLE Credits, CME Credits, CNE Credits
ACRP CE Points