Special Considerations in Pediatric Research Breakout: Assent, Permission, One or Two Parents - Getting Consent in Pediatric Research is Different!
Date & Time
Monday, October 17, 2022, 2:45 PM - 3:30 PM
Location Name
Melrose 4
The research consenting practices in the pediatric setting have many nuances and is not as simple as defining someone as a minor or an adult.
What are the ages for consent versus assent? Who can consent to a minor child? Are there circumstances when a minor child is able to consent for themselves or others? Who should we seek guidance from when unsure of consenting requirements?
This session aims to assist the research professional in the thought processes around obtaining consent versus assent versus parental permission involving pediatric research participants.
Learning Objectives
- Learn common terms and differences in ability to Consent versus Assent for self or others
- Recognize how to implement these terms in the Consent and Assent process
- Distinguish common differences for Parental Permission
- Discover scenarios for one versus two parent signature requirements
- Specify steps to identify and document cognitive ability of participants
- Learn to identify differences between country, state and institutional requirements related to Parental Permission and Assent
- Discover possible difference between Guardianship and Legally Authorized Representative
This Module is Eligible for
ACRP CE Points, CCB Credits, CIP CE Units, CLE Credits, CME Credits, CNE Credits
CIP CEU Credits
ACRP CE Points