Contract Breakout: Insurance
Date & Time
Monday, October 17, 2022, 11:30 AM - 12:15 PM
Location Name
Celebrity 1
Micheal Mott Phil Boyce Peter Sullivan
Learning Objectives
  1. Identify the type of losses a sponsor and or clinical research firm can have and how they are paid for
  2. Define the differences between indemnification vs insurance 
  3. Describe some key insurance terminology in contracts
  4. Identify some insurance contract language trapdoors
  5. Insurance review of Product Liability Insurance for Sponsor – Good, Bad and Ugly
  6. Insurance review of Professional Liability Insurance for CRO, SMO, and Research Site – Good, Bad and Ugly
This Module is Eligible for
ACRP CE Points, CCB Credits, CLE Credits, CME Credits, CNE Credits
ACRP CE Points