Contract Breakout: Indemnification Clauses: Taming the Beast!
Date & Time
Monday, October 17, 2022, 10:45 AM - 11:30 AM
Location Name
Celebrity 1

Indemnification clauses are by far the most legally complex clauses in a CTA and are notorious for bogging down contract negotiations. This session will present a practical, result-focused, methodology for identifying problematic language, drafting sound alternatives, and navigating an impasse.      

Micheal Mott Phil Boyce Peter Sullivan
Learning Objectives
  1. Identify the complex legal issues that underly indemnification clauses
  2. Leverage knowledge to repair broken indemnification clauses.
This Module is Eligible for
ACRP CE Points, CCB Credits, CLE Credits, CME Credits, CNE Credits
ACRP CE Points